Week 6 / Term 1 / Year 4

You win some, you almost win some!

This week the wins were:

We had our official opening of our parkour area

We had the official opening of our memory board

We made excellent progress on our new shed thanks to some handy power tool skills, which are improving week by week (our girls look so cool using the tools!!)

Our almost win of the week was for our bakers who experimented around the theme of lemon drizzle cake. The experiments would have been amazing, if only we hadn’t been hampered by the oven!! Aghhhh! It burnt most of the excellent work they had produced. Thanks to their fabulous mentor, Kate, and her expert rescuing they were able to sample some of what they had done. We have been informed that the results were excellent enough to be included in the cook book.

Half term next week – enjoy your break everyone!

Celebrating the Wins and the Almost Wins

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