…And On week 10,                                                                       We tidy and then,                                                                     We craft and we budget and write.

Week 10 / Term 1 / Year 4

As mentors we really do celebrate how amazing the peers are. They have so many skills they are developing; whether it is jumping into the breach with a last minute activity to cover some one who is ill; running a craft session teaching everyone something new or running through and revising budgets for project costs; they really can be relied upon to deliver. They also know how to stick at a task because if the tennis court isn’t at least a little bit presentable for our winter term family event it won’t be because we didn’t try!

So this week brought a break from work on Steve, it was time, everyone needs a rest sometimes. So instead, our beloved Hogwash Times received some much needed attention. Our newspaper was started earlier in the year as a peers’ project to develop an edition of a peers’ newspaper. It has developed into an ongoing venture in between projects, where peers can add offerings. Up to now, it has been in paper format, but our peers this week have been working on the all new digital edition (because this is the 2020s!)

Creatives hard at work

Our cookbook crew were busy finalising the Christmas dinner menu and working on their project budget, calculating some adjustments and other important accountancy things….

This afternoon one of our very crafty peers led a session, teaching everyone her craft project. Well done!!

And so another week passes and we look forward to what will come next.

P.S. An exciting announcement is coming soon 🙂

P.P.S. Not many photos this week, sorry about that, but sometimes it is hard to run sessions, engage in the moment and step back to take photos, not helped by being a mentor down. Photos galore shall adorn next week’s post to make up for the lack here.

…And On week 10, We tidy and then, We craft and we budget and write.

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