Week 3 / Term 1 / Year 4

We now know what to do if we get lost at sea on the Atlantic Ocean!! The most important piece of equipment to keep hold of? The shaving mirror. Don’t say we don’t teach you useful stuff, you’re welcome. I joke, but this turned out to be a very serious task, working out the most important items to aid survival. A plastic sheet/tarp, also vital, especially useful if matches are available. Whereas a transistor radio, absolutely useless. There was also some mental arithmetic involved as they worked out how well they had survived the adventure.

Back to how we said our goodbye to summer.

This week beds have been cleared, wheelbarrows filled and emptied into our compost heap. Whilst I am left feeling mournful over the loss of summer and the slowly ever shortening days and cooling weather, that was not the case with our peers. There was a great deal of enthusiasm over the produce that was still to be harvested and even more over the plants that needed to be pulled out.

And perhaps just a little hanging around watching others work!

The other highlight from this week was our peer-led session learning cool origami. We didn’t make the usual frogs and swans, but we made useful stuff like a phone holder. It’s great to watch our peers grow in confidence to lead each other in different skills sessions/games and how well they have learnt to listen to each other. Bravo Peers!

Farewell to Summer… but first, saving lives at sea
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