Celebrating Halloween and Bonfire Night

Everyone came back super-charged from half term. One of our favourite games is the Chair Game which requires the group to co-operate and work as a team and they really nailed it this week. Then we built our bonfire for our stewardship time and everyone was really listening and helping each other. It was one of those days that you just want to put in a bottle so you can bring it out when everything does not go to plan, and just remind yourself that once there was a moment where it did go right.

We breezed through our projects, and then the highlight was pumpkin carving and the bonfire, which was very welcome as it wasn’t as warm as it has been in recent weeks. It was also a good chance to practice our fire drill, which went well once everyone remembered what the alarm sound meant! We’re not worried that some tried to rescue their pumpkins from the pretend drill fire, next time they WILL rescue themselves.

And then the perfect end to a perfect day, we got not one, but two rainbows (you have to look quite hard because the second one was fainter!)

Celebrating Halloween and Bonfire Night

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