Cook the Pancake, Flip the Pancake then Eat the Pancake!

Week 5 / Term 2 / Year 4

We had great half term news this week, hearing about everyone’s fun activities and holidays over our weeks break! It’s always lovely to trade news at the beginning of our day together. It gives everyone the chance to reconnect, chat, share and also to tell us how their day is going so far. This week there were many photos to share from exciting holiday adventures and an eager audience to look at them!

We had a fun blindfold listening game. We tried moving, as silently as possible, a number of noisy objects. Keys were manageable, as were the shaker and tambourine. The plastic carrier bag, not so much. Some of our peers were pretty invested in the game!

Our stewardship was very successful, the last of the cloth scraps were torn up ready for the turf roof

The final drain hole was cut into the roof

And we made a new pallet composter

Our projects this half term continue with our next issue of the Hogwash Times, new recipes for our Peers Projects Cookbook and fidget toys. There was plenty of work.

We decided to mark pancake day from the previous week and have a nice fire on such a dull, damp day. We made vegan, gluten-free pancakes over the fire which were apparently delicious, although it is difficult to say if anyone could taste them under the weight of sugar, maple syrup, lemon and peanut butter!

So we come to the end of another Peers’ Projects day. We didn’t take a photo of the inside which shows the ton of mud that got walked into the building. Well done Peers for giving it a really good sweep out at the end. Bigger well done and much appreciation to the mentors who had to re-sweep and then mop the place. Let’s hope it’s a bit less wet and muddy next week!

Cook the Pancake, Flip the Pancake then Eat the Pancake!

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