Week 1 / Term 2 / Year 4
Our start was delayed this term because of the flooding in Oxford. This was Hogacre Common the day before we were due to return.

As is typical at the start of the new term we spend time feeding back on the previous term, looking at what worked, what people loved best, what didn’t work and how we could improve.
We started the term risk assessing the site. We have found that it really helps for the peers to risk assess the site themselves. They tend to take more care of what they are doing, how they are doing it and where they are doing it. If they forget then it is likely that other peers haven’t and they are able to remind each other. Whilst we don’t have many rules for Peers Projects, hopefully the ones we do have make sense once the peers have done a risk assessment.
We also did a spaghetti challenge, building the tallest tower with only a bit of string and tape to help. A marshmallow was put on top as a test of stability. Let me tell you it was not easy!

It’s great to be back, and we’re looking forward to the term ahead!