Week 5 / Term 1 / Year 4
Who knew our Peers are such jigsaw puzzlers? And they still love Frozen, awwww! Okay, they didn’t all love the fact that the jigsaws were Frozen ones, but wow, when they get competitive, stand back people. We were a bit sneaky, only one puzzle could be made, and the pieces were muddled up. What was intended to be a co-operative game, with two groups merging into one big one, working together to get the job done so everyone could be a winner – let’s just say that didn’t happen but they made those puzzles to the very end.

This week we tidied previous projects ready for their official finishing ceremony (more of that to follow next week). Otherwise we have another before and after for you as we prepare space to build new compost heaps.

Interestingly, the peers are nearly always keen to do any kind of tidying which involves hacking and cutting!
The projects this week yielded very different results.
For our persevering shed builders, it is a long slow slog, filling in the walls of the shed, making it weather tight and a canvas ready for the art and decorations that our artists are really, really looking forward to putting on the shed when it’s finished.
For our chefs, they have already reaped rewards from their project. The first entry to the cookbook has been tried and tested and very much approved.

Sorry if you sent you peer with lunch on Monday and they didn’t eat it!
We had a games afternoon planned and run by two peers and now we have another great game to add to our repertoire of great games. Thanks guys!