
Week 11 / Term 1 / Year 4

This week’s highlights:

More preparations for our Winter Term Celebration

You'll have to come on the 11th December if you want to know what this picture is about

Working on Hogwash Times

Chocolate cake


At the beginning of each half term we discuss with peers, ideas for our post lunch session. We have a bit of a brain storm and put all the ideas down on paper. Sometimes the ideas might be things peers want to teach everyone such as computer skills or art and craft, or it might be something they like doing and want to do it with their peers buddies such as circus skills or nerf war, occasionally they might be requests for outings such as spending the day at Farmoor Reservoir sailing. Once all suggestions have been made we hold a vote. Everyone can vote for everything and the activities we end up running on the afternoon session or the ones receiving the most votes.

This week our afternoon session was taskmaster.. We are lucky enough to have our very own taskmaster amongst our peers. It was not his first time and each time it gets better and better. Well done, what a fun and creative time was had by all!!!


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