Week 1/ Term 1 / Year 4

The start of a new term and of a new ‘Project-Making’ year is always exciting. There was so much news to share from the last 6 weeks. Even more to share from an old friend who returned after a year and a half away from us. In the spirit of friendship and community we played some trust games, which after some sensible, shouted directions to guide their blindfolded partners around obstacles soon morphed into piggyback riding!

Our ‘theme’ this coming year is to focus our projects on creating ‘things’ that will benefit the current and future community of Hogacre Common. We hope to have our usual amount of fun, challenge and discovery with an eye to legacy.

However, there is also the present to consider, and at Hogacre that usually means there are brambles to tame, hopefully some food to harvest and some pallets to bust. This year we grew courgettes, broad beans, runner beans and peas successfully and less successfully tomatoes and we’re still hoping that the sweetcorn can be harvested. Fortunately the brambles, whilst a thorn in our side (!;) they were still producing blackberries and our peers cooked up some exceedingly tasty bramble jam — Time to go home and eat toast…

The Start of Another New Peers’ Projects

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