Work, Dance and Sing!

Week 2 / Term 2 / Year 4

We managed to fit a lot of great things in this week. We had the chance to practice our new idea (thanks to a great peer suggestion) of checking in with everyone to see how they were feeling first thing. We incorporated this into our ‘news’ session which always starts the day as we catch up with everyone’s week. There was a theme to everyone’s answer to “How are you feeling today?” It seems the storm the night before had kept a few people awake, so everyone was feeling tired. Despite tiredness all-round, the day was filled with fun, focus and good spirits.

We played an exciting game of keeping the ball on the bed sheet. It led to some very creative strategizing and team work.

We managed to stick to the promised 30 mins stewardship. We made a start creating a green roof Napoleon, our cob oven, whilst taking it in turns to do some outside tidying. I appreciate it looks like we do nothing but chat but this was our half time change over.

Project time was a long session of burning creativity, we had researching and making of fidget toys, a new edition of our newspaper, The Hogwash Times, was begun and the latest recipe for our forthcoming cookbook was planned (testing next week – yum!)

After all this industry we had a post lunch disco/karaoke (there was more singing than dancing). We had nibbles and mocktails, lights and window decor. A bit of debating over songs! We had a song in Russian which was a treat. Thanks Youtube and thanks peers, it was really fun!!

As if this wasn’t enough (remember they all arrived tired that morning), after tidy up time, they still had energy for outside play.

Oh to be young and so energetic! Mentors went home for a well-deserved cup of tea and a collapse on the sofa!!

Work, Dance and Sing!

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