This Week We Say Farewell

Week 4 / Term 2 / Year 4

This was our last week with one of our peers who is about to embark on a new path in her education journey. She is very excited to take a place at school and we heard about her fantastic trial day in our “News” session. So we made the most of our last Peers Projects day with her.

More riddling this week – A man is travelling home with a wolf, a goat and a cabbage. He comes to a river and the only way to cross it is by a small boat that only has room for him and one other. He will have to take each across one by one. The problem is he can’t leave the wolf alone with the goat because it will eat it. He also, can’t leave the goat alone with the cabbage because it will eat it. How can he get all three across the river in one piece and continue his journey home? With a bit of visual representation we got there!

Our game involved blind folds, string and teamwork. The non-verbal round, as usual, was not a great success, some people just have to communicate with words!!

We were aiming for a triangle

Meanwhile our green roof is coming along, slowly, because we are sticking to our 30 minute only stewardship time, but it is getting there.

A very successful project time was had by nearly all. The current edition of the Hogwash Times was completed and very delicious white chocolate-covered cereal bars were made. Our fidget toy makers decided they needed to go back to the R&D stage, luckily we have a computer with internet access available for them to help with this.

This was just before the tray was placed in the freezer for the whole thing to set

Our post lunch session today was tie dye. We set up tables outside and got everything ready and then it started to drizzle! It was really windy but everyone battled on. I can’t wait to see what the bags look like once finished (all parents will have received instructions on what to do to set the dye.)

It was probably the fastest tie dye session in history, but hopefully everyone will be pleased with the results. So this week everyone got extra free time to play games at the end of the day, which was great because as I mentioned at the beginning, it was the last day for one of our peers. We’ll really miss her and wish her the best for her start at school and look forward to hearing how it’s going.

This Week We Say Farewell

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