Week 9 / Term 1 / Year 4
Despite the blustery conditions thanks to storm Debi, we managed a very meditative time this week. Following a communication game, we spent our stewardship time tidying the tennis court as we start to make preparations for our event we are hosting in a few weeks. The tennis court is a shared space and our hosts are not always as tidy as we would like, so we have a bit of work to do. All the pruning tools were out and whilst certain mentors seemed to have a hard time knowing how to use the tools safely, you’ll be relieved to know that our peers had no trouble at all. Anyway, this seemed to set the tone for a meditation theme because there is something very calming in the repetitive actions involved in tidying.

This week we all worked together on each other’s projects, which was a really nice change. So everyone broke up pallets, and removed nails to create more building materials for Steve the Shed. Then everyone went inside and made sushi. The sushi eating was definitely the quietest moment in our day.

Our afternoon continued our meditation with meditative art which included drawing repetitive patterns